Hello dear all,
I don't know if it is the right place to send this EMail, I will see soon...
Sorry in adavance for my poor english :-[
I'm trying to build a wiki web site for a professional use. I'm
paleontologist and I want to create a databank on fossil species with the
help of my colleague dispersed all around the world. It will be a non-public
website, the subject is too much specialized for non professionals.
I have no good knowledge in informatic, therefore, it is not very easy for
I have different questions to ask, if somebody can help me on those
topics, thank you in advance:
1) As sysop, normally I can block users. To test this function I have
tried to block an user but the system refuse the username and ask for the
IP address? How can I solve this problem? IP address is not interesting as
many of us use different computers with different IP adresses. By example:
I have three computers connected to internet with, of course, three
different IP adresses. In addition I don't know the IP address of the
other users.
2) In the page "special pages for all users" the different entries towards
the different special pages are not alphabetically organized, isn't possible to sort
them in alphabetic order?
3) It is the same for the special page on categories. They are all mixed.
Isn't possible to sort them in an alphabetic order?
4) In the Wikipedia website, I have seen that it is possible, in editing a
page, to insert special characters in using a table containing them in the
lower part of the edited page. This is a very useful tool. How can I add
this in my wiki website?
Sorry to ask you so much questions.
Thanks a lot for all help.
-- Dr. P. Steemans Chercheur Qualifié du FNRS Paléobotanique -
Paléopalynologie - Micropaléontologie (PPM) Université de Liège 6, Allée
du Six Août, Bât. B-18 B-4000 Liège 1 Belgium tél + 32 (0)4 366 53 33
FAX + 32 (0) 4 366 53 38
Dr. P. Steemans
Chercheur Qualifié du FNRS
Université de Liège
Paléobotanique-Paléopalynologie-Micropaléontologie (PPM)
Allée du 6 Août, Bât. B-18, parking 40
Campus du Sart Tilman
B-4000 Liège 1
Tél: 00 32 (0)4 366 53 33
FAX: 00 32 (0)4 366 53 38