Wikitech-l March 2004
  • 96 participants
  • 150 discussions
fr.wikipedia is in UTF-8 now, and it works !
by Camille Constans 30 Mar '04

30 Mar '04
en.wikipedia timeout
by Magnus Manske 30 Mar '04

30 Mar '04
13 21
0 0

30 Mar '04
old revisions to be deleted
by 30 Mar '04

30 Mar '04
Wiki Navigation
by Terry L Howe 29 Mar '04

29 Mar '04
MediaWiki 1.2.1 release
by Brion Vibber 29 Mar '04

29 Mar '04
Extension syntax discussion and vote
by 28 Mar '04

28 Mar '04
Re: [Wikitech-l] Saved special pages
by 28 Mar '04

28 Mar '04
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