Wikimédia France has installed a portal at (and had obtained .com and .org in order to prevent squatting).
This portal provides task-oriented directions for finding images and text content on Commons and Wikisource, with the help of Wikipedia (we may in the future extend this to friendly third-party sites with libre content).
Examples of tasks include: I'm looking for a photograph of an animal, where do I look? I only know the French common name of that species, what do I do?
The idea is to address the needs of e.g. teachers and schoolchildren with step-by-step instructions.
This portal is now not much developed, but we aim to make it bigger.
In order to preemptively address a few obvious questions: * This portal will not provide content; content will all be on other sites (Commons, Wikisource etc.). * This portal is not editable as a wiki because there would be difficulties with that: ** The wiki interface may scare "normal" people - too many buttons. ** We cannot afford vandalism on a portal for welcoming e.g. schoolchildren. ** We might use a "closed" wiki but it's a heavier solution than the current one.
-- DM