Hi guys, me and Claudia tried to improve this section here: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:PEG/WCUG_Wikisource/Wikisource_Confer...
I'll try to put some other content there, but help is needed.
Claudia also tried to report on the project metrics - the problem is that the conference scope severely changed and a lot of it does not make sense anymore.
There are two open issues we still have to answer in this context: * Where all big 5 language communities represented (was Poland missing?) * How many reports / blogposts are out there about the conference?
The content part is still a bit thin - nobody who was not there can really make sense of the etherpad - several tried unsuccessfully ;-) So some executive summary of this would surely be helpful, but it's up to us, guys. We just want to make sure all this is impressive and clear enough for the decision makers in case another conference (if there is ever the need for one) will be no issue for the community.
So, please help us! :-) Now! (we have 2 days).
On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 5:31 PM, Claudia Garád claudia.garad@wikimedia.at wrote:
Hey Wikisourcians,
the WMAT team has been working on the PEG report on our conference for a while - we are almost finished with our input and now we wanted to ask for your help: While we could cover all the organizational and budget related tasks and add some learnings as well as a rough description of what happend during our time together in Vienna, we cannot sum up the content and topics that were covered in the various sessions, as we mostly were not present. So please help us to make this report a valuable resource for yourselves as well as for future hosts and organizers and show interested other Wikimedians the awesome things you achieved during and after the event and what the next steps will be. I think especially the section "Activities" in the beginning could use a more detailed record of the work that was done during the three days. *The deadline for the report is February 11.*
For your input: link to the report
For your information: link to the detailed results from the participants survey
Thank you! Claudia -- Claudia Garád Geschäftsführerin
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