On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 5:10 PM, Aarti K. Dwivedi ellydwivedi2093@gmail.comwrote:
I think it would be nice if we could ask for help from AnkurIndia. Although they work in Bengali, I am sure they would have some resources which we can find useful for Malayalam as well as other Indian languages.
Swathanthra Malayalam Computing (http://smc.org.in/) , is a 12 year old FOSS Language Technology hackers group and part of this initiative . It is the most active language technology hacker group in Indic Languages and maintains platforms like http://silpa.org.in . Ankur team (sankarsan, Runa , Sayamindu etc) are very close with us and we do share developments . I am one of the project managers and present secretary of Swathanthra Malayalam Computing . At this point We know there is no techology solution foray of the issues I raised
~ regards Anivar
On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 2:33 AM, Anivar Aravind anivar.aravind@gmail.comwrote:
It is widely covered in vernacular press
This is one among the english reports http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/kerala/digitising-contest-to-preserve-...
I think it may be relevant to share the context of this too . This may be helpful and useful for other wikisource communities. I am part of the Organizing Team and our organization , Swathanthra Malayalam Computing is one of the partners for this
- Unlike Latin based languages , Most of the Indian languages does not
have a functional OCR solution. So for us the digitalising means typing the pages and proofreading them . 2. Even though there are many state run institutions and libraries are engaged in scanning books for their digitization , The public domain works are not available in most cases . Initiatives like GLAM s not much suited for small librarys and state institutions. 3. In short the absence / Way to thank library for preserving books till they release under public domain with proper media attention becomes a difficult task . This program experimenting a way to thank Govt institution named Keral Sahithya academi via media attention for preserving and donating the public domain copies to many books to wikisource . 4.Wikisource can be used as a way of training new users to familiarize with mediawiki and wikisyntax . A Typing+proofreading competition with declared prizes anyway attracts more users and attention . within first 5 days 80+ new contributors and 798 pages added to Malayalam wikisource 5. We Succeeded in getting IT@School program of Govt of Kerala as an official partner and created a seperate competition for schools . So Students under the guidance of teachers can involve in Malayalam wikisource and get exposure for wikimedia projects 6. This helps in building more references for wikipedia articles . This is an important concern for many languages without much digital archives
Thanks to Vishnu , Director of CIS-A2K for initially coming up with an idea of running a proofreading contest in malayalam wikipedia by offering some Devices . This helped us to start exploring the possibilities and expanding the program with more partners .
In last October Malayalam wikisource community released a 2.0 version of its offline CD . This is the next major endeavour
~ regards Anivar Aravind User:AniVar
On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 5:45 PM, Andrea Zanni zanni.andrea84@gmail.comwrote:
That is an amazing news, Manoj, good job!
Also, think about writing a blog post for the Wikimedia blog: they are always interested in hosting news a about Wikisources all around the world.
On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 7:13 PM, Jayanta Nath jayantanth@gmail.comwrote:
Keep it up Manoj , it's a great initiatives. We shall try the same for Bengali wiki source .
On Thursday, January 2, 2014, manoj k wrote:
Dear friends,
New year wishes to all.
Wikisource project, a project of Wikimedia foundation is celebrating its tenth anniversary. As a part of the decennary celebrations, the Wikisource projects in various languages all over the world are conducting competitions that enrich their contents including but not limited to proof-reading and digitization. Being a part of it, Wikisource's Malayalam version - Wiki Grandhasala community, a voluntary unit engaged in collecting and digitizing valuable Malayalam books of yesteryears, is organizing a digitization (Typing & Proofreading) competition, along with various Government as well as Non-Governmentestablishments and other voluntary organisations with similar interestslike Kerala Sahithya Academy, IT@schoolProject, Swathanthra Malayalam Computing and Center for Internet and Society (CIS-A2K) under the banner of Malayalam Wiki community.. This digitisation competition is being conducted as a part of an effort that collects Malayalam Books whose copyright date has expired in digital form (in unicode format) preserving the content and makig them more accessible and popular. The competition lasts for a month, starting on January 1, 2014 and ending on Jan 31, 2014. The competition focuses especiallyindividuals and schools andincludes someattractive prizes including E-book readers, Tablets and selected books for those who lead the scoreboard. In this competition, books that was recently released by Kerala Sahithya Academy to its public collection will be digitised.
Details of the competition;There are two specific competitions
*Competition for individuals:-* This competition is for the general public. It includes typing and proofreading of selected books. The main aim is to attract people who are active in social media into Wiki Grandhasala activities. Those who wish to participate in this competition should register before January 31st 2014. Here are the pages which are to be typed in as part of this competition.
*Competition for schools:-* Presently many student groups, through the IT Cell of their respective schools, participate actively in the Wiki Grandhasala effort. This version of the competition aims to increase the participation of such student groups. The idea is to inculcate more love for their mother tongue among the students. The process also aims at providing awareness out about such collaborative activities, getting them interested in computer related areas, specifically Language Computing. Scanned copies of books that are in public domain will be made available to the respective schools. Under the supervision of IT@schoolcoordinators of each school, students have to typethemand proof read,which will be added to Wiki Grandhasala.
The prizes (like E-book readers, Portable scanners) are sponsored by Center for Internet and Society, Kerala Sahithya Academy and Swathanthra Malayalam Computing. Also, certificates will be awarded to all students who participate in the school level competition and IT@schoolcoordinators , for their coordination activities.
Those who wish to sponsor more prizes, and those who wish to makescanned/hard copiesbooks in the public domain availale to Wiki Grandhasala can contact mlwikisource@gmail.com.
Project Page: https://ml.wikisource.org/wiki/WS:DC2014 Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/265018530322640/ Score Bord : http://balasankarc.in/ProofreadingContest/index.html
For Malayalam Wikisource Community
Manoj.K/മനോജ്.കെ General Convener, Malayalam Wikisource Digitization Contest 2014
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-- Aarti K. Dwivedi
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