Hi everyone,
I hope you're all well.
I'm sorry I didn't post for a long time, so here is some news (not exhaustive, feel free to answer with your own news): - first and foremost, the Wishlist is back and it starts next Monday: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Community_Wishlist_Survey_2021 let's gather our best idea again this year! - as usual, if you did something related to Wikisource, don't hesitate to add it on https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikisource_Community_User_Group/2020_Report (especially in this strange year, if you did some online activities, I'd love to hear about it!) - an "Affiliates Data Survey" run by mail and by the Foundation is coming; I'll get in touch with you soon, if you are interested to share your experience with the Wikisource community, feel free to contact me in private. - here is a very interesting and promising project to improve Wikidata-Wikisource Integration : https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikicite/grant/Improving_Wikidata-Wikisource...
Finally, as an official user group, the Foundation requires 2 primary contacts, for now (and since a long time), I'm the only contact, which is problematic. Also, for me, I'd be happy to have some help ;) Are there any candidates?
Cheers, For the WCUG, Nicolas