  • 2 participants
  • 1306 discussions
Wikidata badges for text quality
by David Cuenca 19 Oct '14

19 Oct '14

17 Oct '14

10 Oct '14

08 Oct '14

08 Oct '14
[BEIC] METS and structural map
by Federico Leva (Nemo) 06 Oct '14

06 Oct '14
mul: interwiki now exists
by Wiki Billinghurst 02 Oct '14

02 Oct '14
Two requests for MediaViewer
by Alex Brollo 01 Oct '14

01 Oct '14
Fwd: ZIM/EPUB export will be disabled soon
by Federico Leva (Nemo) 25 Sep '14

25 Sep '14
Bot code to create Index pages
by David Cuenca 22 Sep '14

22 Sep '14
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