i am not sure whether this problem was solved, but on my machine,
Firefox used to render kannada pages in an unreadable format. all the
ವತ್ತು ಅಕ್ಷರ used to be one next to the other making the page
unreadable. after much searching, i found the solution. if anyone else
is facing the same problem and if u are using windows xp, please go to
Control Panel --> Regional and language options --> Languages (tab)
--->click on "Install files for complex script and left to right
support". u'll need to pop the windows xp CD in for the installation
to continue. restart after installation is complete and the rendering
should work fine.
i would like to add that there are still some problems with the
Firefox rendering (like headings come out looking strange, but
readable), but most of them are minor. Also, all these rendering
issues in FX is not limited to kannada, but common to all indic
languages. IMHO, we should put up this note on the wiki help page so
that other people know about it.
ಮತ್ತೆ ಸಿಗೋಣ
p.s --> if this problem was fixed long ago or if its a non-issue,
please ignore.
"Never, under any circumstances,
take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night"