Yuri Astrakhan yuriastrakhan@gmail.com wrote:
Russian Wikipedia just replaced all of their map links in the upper right corner (geohack) with the <maplink> - Kartographer extension! Moreover, when clicking the link, it also shows the location outline, if that object exists in OpenStreetMap, using corresponding Wikidata ID. My deepest respect to my former Interactive Team colleagues and volunteers who have made it possible! (This was community wishlist #21)
Example - city of Salzburg (click coordinates in the upper right corner, or in the infobox): https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%97%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%86%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%...
Very cool, thanks. As GeoHack still accounts for more than 25 % of Tool Labs's traffic (about 10 requests/s) and is maintained by three volunteers, I'd encourage other wikis to follow the example. (What I especially like about ruwiki's solution is the superscript "G" link that (for example) di- rectly opens Google Maps, thus if you are looking for satel- lite photographs or Street View, you can omit the middleman GeoHack/Maps.)