(Posted at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Topic:Tcg07knzz72wixak and pasted here for convenience)
The Wikimedia Developer Summit 2017 aims to focus the call for participation around these main topics:
* A plan for the Community Wishlist 2016 top results * Handling wiki content beyond plaintext * A unified vision for editorial collaboration * Building a sustainable user experience together * Useful, consistent, and well documented APIs * How to manage our technical debt * How to grow our technical community
You can find more information about these topics and how we selected them at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Developer_Summit and https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Topic:Tb6bztglijowk8x3
The next steps are:
* Each main topic needs at least one owner, who will assure that the topic is well promoted in the right places, the right activities are proposed, and the right people participate in them with common goals. These owners will join the Program committee https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Developer_Summit/About
* Each main topic needs good quality and quantity of proposals submitted, so a good selection can be made for the pre-scheduled Summit program.
* Each main topic needs its own wiki page for information, coordination, discussion, and documentation.
If by the end of October a main topic is still missing an owner, a critical mass of proposals and/or a decent wiki page, then the chances are that such main topic will be dissolved. If that happens, the activities proposed can be still pushed by their promoters in the context of the Unconference. Just like the rest of proposals not fitting under the main topics.