Jenkins jobs start failing on some repositories release branches because they are lacking the CI [entry points]. For example if the 'npm' job has been enabled, the master branch has a 'package.json' but the release branches do not. That causes CI to reject backports.
I would like us to update our repositories REL1_24 and REL1_25 branches with package.json and composer.json whenever they are present in master.
The commands being run would need be tweaked but at the very minimal each branches should check:
* the i18n files using grunt-banana-checker (in package.json) * php lint (jakub-onderka/php-parallel-lint) (in composer.json)
Repositories that haven't switched yet are not impacted nor are the branches already having the package.json/composer.json files.
[entry points] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Continuous_integration/Entry_points