MediaWiki Bugzilla Report for May 19, 2014 - May 26, 2014
Status changes this week
Reports changed/set to UNCONFIRMED: 4 Reports changed/set to NEW : 17 Reports changed/set to ASSIGNED : 45 Reports changed/set to REOPENED : 9 Reports changed/set to PATCH_TO_RE: 98 Reports changed/set to RESOLVED : 205 Reports changed/set to VERIFIED : 9
Total reports still open : 14739 Total bugs still open : 8887 Total non-lowest prio. bugs still open: 8634 Total enhancements still open : 5852
Reports created this week: 291
Resolutions for the week:
Reports marked FIXED : 145 Reports marked DUPLICATE : 18 Reports marked INVALID : 12 Reports marked WORKSFORME: 16 Reports marked WONTFIX : 14
Specific Product/Component Resolutions & User Metrics
Created reports per component
MediaWiki extensions WikidataRepo 24 VisualEditor Editing Tools 17 Wikipedia App Generic 15 VisualEditor General 10 VisualEditor MediaWiki integration 9
Created reports per product
MediaWiki extensions 116 VisualEditor 46 MediaWiki 40 Wikimedia 20 Wikipedia App 19
Top 5 bug report closers
jforrester [AT] 32 jrobson [AT] 18 bawolff+wn [AT] 17 hashar [AT] 10 aklapper [AT] 8
Most urgent open issues
Product | Component | BugID | Priority | LastChange | Assignee | Summary -------------------------------------------------------------- MediaWiki | Database | 63677 | Highest | 2014-05-18 | wikibugs-l[AT]lists. | Update script is failing midway due t
MediaWiki | Database | 32551 | Highest | 2014-05-25 | gdubuc[AT]wikimedia. | Descriptionless files (Missing page_l
MediaWiki | General/Unkno | 65665 | Highest | 2014-05-25 | bjorsch[AT]wikimedia | Revisions missing from
MediaWiki ext | Diff | 58274 | Highest | 2014-05-16 | wikibugs-l[AT]lists. | Implement an order-aware MapDiffer
MediaWiki ext | OAuth | 57336 | Highest | 2014-05-25 | wikibugs-l[AT]lists. | Make metawiki the central OAuth wiki
MediaWiki ext | Translate | 65738 | Highest | 2014-05-25 | niklas.laxstrom[AT]g | Fix styling issues for Special:PageMi
MediaWiki ext | WikidataRepo | 52385 | Highest | 2014-05-13 | wikidata-bugs[AT]lis | Query by one property and one value (
MediaWiki ext | WikidataRepo | 64956 | Highest | 2014-05-20 | wikidata-bugs[AT]lis | Install Entity Suggester on the Wikid
MediaWiki ext | WikidataRepo | 64600 | Highest | 2014-05-22 | wikidata-bugs[AT]lis | write script that touches every item
MediaWiki ext | WikidataRepo | 63224 | Highest | 2014-05-23 | wikidata-bugs[AT]lis | review backend part of entity suggest
Pywikibot | General | 63605 | Highest | 2014-04-09 | devunt[AT] | Ignore expired cookie
VisualEditor | ContentEditab | 65642 | Highest | 2014-05-24 | esanders[AT]wikimedi | VisualEditor: SurfaceWidget always cr