On 11 March 2014 18:48, Jon Robson jdlrobson@gmail.com wrote:
- 10000 to what Trevor just said.
Isarra, developers make a _decision_ to forget some users exist. This is why Wikipedia doesn't support IE5. I am suggesting a decision that we forget that users of Cologne blue exist. Although it might seem harsh to the 98,541 readers but justified. It's just not getting any attention by users or developers.
Based on the numbers on https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Turning_off_outdated_skins/stats - my personal view is if a skin isn't used by more than a million people we shouldn't be supporting it on Wikimedia wikis. This would actually mean just keeping Vector and Monobook. I for one would actually give more attention to Monobook in my testing if this happened.
Can someone who is able to please run the stats for https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Turning_off_outdated_skins/stats again?
Ummm. Readers only get Vector, unless they create an account, log in, find their preferences, and make a conscious decision to choose another skin - something almost no reader will do.
Editors, it seems, chose Monobook 2:1 over Vector as of this time last year, when there were many other skins; that is, they make the conscious choice. (I also think there's something really wonky about the "power user" numbers. There's no way there are less than 15,000 users active in the last six months with over 1000 edits across all of the projects.) There's a lot of value in paying attention to Monobook.