On Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 1:38 AM, Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen@gmail.comwrote:
- do you support other scripts used by languages like Malayalam (ml),
Persian (fa), Chinese (zh) Russian (ru) ??
In the final product yes; I'm not entirely sure where we are with ml, and zh; but I've seen test renders in fa, and ru. It is a goal of our project to offer significantly better render support for all languages.
- when you do, do you have examples for these languages ?
If we don't already; please feel free to add them to my test instance on labs and report back. I know the zh and ru test pages I already have on wiki do render but the other language tests seem to fail at this time -- possibly due to pages that I imported. It would actually be fairly useful to have test pages with just the language content; and no extra templates / wiki features.
- are the messages not localised or are they also not internationalised ?
At this time, the internal status messages are not localized nor internationalized. I plan to add support for that; but it was not an initial focus because of the limited utility of these messages in the UI itself.
- are support for other scripts and proper internationalisation and
localisation blockers for deployment ?
We have no specific goals for script support except better or equal in parity to the current mwlib renderer. In this phase, and once we deploy to beta labs; we're going to be relying on the community to tell us where we need to improve. It's also likely that both render pipelines will continue to be offered for some time in parallel.
I do not consider localization of status messages in the backend renderer a blocker for the reason that a user does not need to understand the messages in order to continue to use the collection extension or renderer itself. It will merely be failing to report the in progress status of the render job. The failure and success notifications *are* localized so the final state is then something that any user can proceed from.