I have ideas to improve and excel interest in lay people in Gene wiki* by including the short interesting video based learning which takes the data from Wikimedia and create a short video which helps the people to understand easily. I need a help to work on this.*
In this approach I would like to implement mechanism in which long paragraphs will be extracted from geneWiki and organized in a way that can be shown as pictures or frame of pictures. Through this mechanism people would be able to learn easily because pictures or videos are remembered more easily.
Thanks Shubham
You are more likely to get a useful response if you ask a more direct question. What specificly are you looking for help with? Are you simply looking for gsoc mentors? In that case you should say that explicitly. Additionally creating a detailed description of what you want to do (perhaps with a mock up) on a user subpage may help attract mentors. If you are encountering a specific issue you need help resolving, please say what they are.
P.s. also you should make clear that gene wiki is a wikiproject on wikipedia not an external wiki.