Am 13.08.14 um 18:20 schrieb C. Scott Ananian:
On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 12:48 AM, Bjoern Kahl wrote:
- require_once ( 'extensions/BibTex/bibtex.php' );
- require_once ( 'extensions/MathJax/MathJax.php' );
- require_once('extensions/WikiEditor/WikiEditor.php');
- require_once('extensions/UserMerge/UserMerge.php');
- require_once("$IP/extensions/LastUserLogin/LastUserLogin.php");
Could you try to temporarily disable these extensions (either all at once or one by one) and see if it fixes the problem? The last two in particular look like they might be responsible for the 'UPDATE `wiki_user` SET user_touched' transaction which appears to be causing the deadlock.
I disabled all extensions listed above: No change in behavior, still deadlocks.
By change I found that the whole site deadlocks, i.e. Trying to access another wiki page in a new browser tab, while visual editor tries to load in another, also stalls until the visual editor times out (105 seconds). Not really surprising, looking at the traces, but I'd thought I mention it anyway.
Best regards