On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 10:12 PM, Daniel Friesen <daniel@nadir-seen-fire.com
Basically in the end your best bet is probably to just use something other than PHP for this. The native implementations for both Socket.IO's and SockJS' servers are in Node.JS. So that's probably the best bet for doing this. You can communicate with something in PHP running MW stuff from the Node.JS server using another protocol. Such as STOMP, ZeroMQ, Thrift, D-Bus, etc... or even simply HTTP calls to the webserver/API or execution of PHP processes from the Node.JS server.
Agreed on this. PHP isn't meant for continuous processing, regardless of if you use SSE or WebSockets. Also it should be noted that SockJS also has Tornado and Twisted implementations, if you want to use Python. And, of course, if your extension needs to be scalable, they also have vert.x, which works with Java.
*-- * *Tyler Romeo* Stevens Institute of Technology, Class of 2016 Major in Computer Science