On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 3:43 PM, Brian Wolff bawolff@gmail.com wrote:
Hi, I responded inline.
On 11/1/13, Shawn Jones sjone@cs.odu.edu wrote:
I'm currently working on the Memento Extension for Mediawiki, as
earlier today by Herbert Van de Sompel.
The goal of this extension is to work with the Memento framework, which attempts to display web pages as they appeared at a given date and time
the past.
Our goal is for this to be a collaborative effort focusing on solving
and providing functionality in "the Wikimedia Way" as much as possible.
Without further ado, I have the following technical questions (I
in advance for the fire hose):
- The Memento protocol has a resource called a TimeMap [1] that takes
article name and returns text formatted as application/link-format. This text contains a machine-readable list of all of the prior revisions (mementos) of this page. It is currently implemented as a SpecialPage
can be accessed like http://www.example.com/index.php/Special:TimeMap/Article_Name. Is this
best method, or is it more preferable for us to extend the Action class
add a new action to $wgActions in order to return a TimeMap from the
page like http://www.example.com/index.php?title=Article_Name&action=gettimemap without using the SpecialPage? Is there another preferred way of solving this problem?
Special Page vs Action is usually considered equally ok for this sort of thing. However creating an api module would probably be the preferred method to return such machine readable data about a page.
I disagree, but maybe that's because it's been a long-term goal of mine to kill action urls entirely.