Based on many ideas that were put forth, I would like to seek comments on this ZERO design. This HTML will be rendered for both M and ZERO subdomains if varnish detects that request is coming from a zero partner. M and ZERO will be identical except for the images - ZERO substitutes images with links to File:xxx namespace through a redirector.
* All non-local links always point to a redirector. On javascript capable devices, it will load carrier configuration and replace the link with local confirmation dialog box or direct link. Without javascript, redirector will either silently 301-redirect or show confirmation HTML. Links to images on and all external links are done in similar way.
* The banner is an ESI link to */w/api.php?action=zero&banner=250-99* - returns HTML <div> blob of the banner. (Not sure if banner ID should be part of the URL)
Expected cache fragmentation for each wiki page: * per subdomain (M|ZERO) * if M - per "isZeroCarrier" (TRUE|FALSE). if ZERO - always TRUE. 3 variants is much better then one per carrier ID * 2 per subdomain.
P.S. Redirector is a Special:Zero page, but if speed is an issue, it could be an API calls (which seem to load much faster). The API call would redirect to the target, or could either redirect to the special page for confirmation rendering, or output HTML itself (no skin support, but avoids an extra redirect). Might not be worth it as javascript will be available on most of our target platforms now or soon.