On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 10:20 AM, Jeroen De Dauw jeroendedauw@gmail.comwrote:
- Don't write automated tests at all and do lots of code reviews and
manual testing. Sometimes this is really the most sensible thing. I'll leave it to you to figure out when that is though.
Absolutist statements are typically wrong. There are almost always cases in which some practice is not applicable. However I strongly disagree with your recommendation of not writing tests and automating them. I disagree even stronger with the notion that manual testing is generally something you want to do. I've seen many experts in the field of software design recommend strongly against manual testing, and am currently seeing the same theme being pretty prevalent here at the International PHP Conference I'm currently attending.
I think not having automated tests is right in some situations but I certainly wouldn't recommend it. Manual testing sucks and having nice tests with Selenium or some such tool is way better in most situations but there are totally times where a good code review and manual verification are perfect. I'm thinking of temporary solutions or styling issues are difficult to verify with automated tests. I'm certainly no expert and I'd _love_ to learn more about things that help in the situations where I feel like manual testing is best. I'd love nothing more than to be wrong.
So my question is not "how do we write code that is maximally
testable", it is: does convenient testing provide sufficient benefits to outweigh the detrimental effect of making everything else
This contains the suggestion that testable code inherently is badly designed. That is certainly not the case. Good design and testability go hand in hand. One of the selling points of testing is that it strongly encourages you to create well designed software.
IMHO you can design code so that it is both easy to understand and easy to test but there is a real temptation to sacrifice comprehenability for testability. Mostly I see this in components being split into incomprehensibly small chunks and then tested via an intricate mock waltz. I'm not saying this happens all the time, only that this happens and we need to be vigilent. The guidelines in the article help prevent such craziness.
There are other advantages to writing tests as well. Just out of the top of my head:
- Regression detection
- Replaces manual testing with automated testing, saves lots of time, esp
in projects with multiple devs. Manual testing tends to be incomplete and skipped as well, so the number of bugs caught is much lower. And it does not scale. At all.
- Documentation so formal it can be executed and is never out of date
- Perhaps the most important: removes the fear of change. One can refactor
code to clean up some mess without having to fear one broke existing behavior. Tests are a great counter to code rot. Without tests, your code quality is likely to decline.
This is perfect! If you think of your tests as formal verification documents then you are in good shape because this implies that the tests are readable.
If I had my druthers I'd like all software to be designed in such a way that it can be tested automatically with informative tests that read like documentation. We'd all like that. To me it looks like there are three problems: 1. How do you keep out tests that are incomprehensible as documentation? 2. What do you do with components for which no unit test can be written that could serve as documentation? 3. What do you do when the formal documentation will become out of date so fast that it feels like a waste of time to write it?
I really only have a good answer for #2 and that is to test components together like the DB and Repository or the server side application and the browser.
1 troubles me quite a bit because I've found those tests to be genuinely hurtful in that they give you the sense that you are acomplishing something when you aren't.