On 04/18/2013 12:24 PM, Quim Gil wrote:
- http://wikiapiary.com A wiki with various statistics about MediaWiki
installations and statistics about extensions. I see the huge potential in this project although it's only several months old. Template:Extension on mediawiki.org have finally turned to something useful when the link to wikiapiary had been added there.
I'm also impressed about this project. It's so good that I wondered who made it, why and with which resources. :)
I contacted the creator of the project yesterday and got an initial response. I have some ideas that could really use a site like WikiApiary -- hopefully, I'll have something more concrete by the time we get to Amsterdam.
For instance, it would be great to get mwusers.com involved in activities around improving QA or documentation. This would save them some users posting questions about the same problems originated by some problem in MediaWiki or mediawiki.org.
I've started a thread on mwusers about this.
Here's to a better MediaWiki community!