Le 15/04/13 09:53, Mathieu Stumpf a écrit :
It may me think, it would be nice to be able to develop on desktop and push the code when ready. I heard that git enable to add "porceleins" to extend what it manage. Did anyone already thought about a "gid mw" to interacte with a mediawiki article? I think that may be particularly usefull for code development, but even for normal article editon could benefit of such a tool.
The git project has a mw-to-git gate system that let you interact with an article using git.
It is included in git distribution under contrib/mw-to-git
The doc (NOT the code) is maintained on a github wiki: https://github.com/moy/Git-Mediawiki/wiki
User manual: https://github.com/moy/Git-Mediawiki/wiki/User-manual
Basically, once installed, you can do something like:
git clone -c remote.origin.pages="Module:String" \ mediawiki:https://www.mediawiki.org
Or even all the Modules:
git clone -c remote.origin.categories='Module' \ mediawiki:https://www.mediawiki.org
Go ahead and give it try.
Trivia: it has been written by a team of french students \O/