On Apr 11, 2013 10:56 AM, "Small M" smallman1z@yahoo.com wrote:
It was done before (albeit using a dedicated viewer which is now a
silverlight control). So it can be done.
First a warning: I can't imagine a MediaWiki feature ever being enabled on WMF wikis if it works only with silverlight. And you said HTML5 demo. One of the points of HTML5 is to move away from plugins. So this is confusing. Or maybe there are 2 unrelated demos (a silverlight and an HTML5)
I believe Brian's point was: this sort of feature would require access to raw category data in a format that doesn't currently exist. (but can be generated from existing data) If you've seen it done then what you've seen is probably based on a snapshot in time (maybe from a dump) not from the live, current state of a WMF wiki.