On 09/28/2012 09:22 AM, Antoine Musso wrote:
I'm talking about Composer (http://getcomposer.org/).
My past experiment is on the wiki at: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Composer
I do agree with David Gerard's assessment, though. We need to make sure that whatever we use is going to work with package management tools that Debian and Redhat and the like already use.
For Debian, there is dh-make-perl and dh-make-php that will turn CPAN libraries, PECL and PEAR libraries into debian packages automatically. They don't *always* work, but they're a good start.
Ultimately, dh-make-php should probably support Composer as well. If Composer can work with MediaWiki extensions, then all the better.
And again, adding support for Composer would just need:
- write basic code to include the generated autoload file
- add some composer.json files in extension roots
We could start with a subset of extensions.
A great place to start would be the SMW Bundle:
When I was building the tarball, I made an attempt to create a MW tarball with this bundle and it exposed some problems with the installer.