I would like to open some discussion about https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=40329 This bug is about the fact that we currently do a 'partial' transform of the HTML5-invalid attribute 'align'.
We all agree that this is bad, what we need to figure out is what to do next:
1: Disable the transform and output the align attribute even though it's not valid HTML5. Solve validness later. 2: Remove the attribute from HTML5 and 'break' the content. Fix by users (or bot). 3: Disable HTML5, correct the content of the wiki's (possibly with a bot) and remove the attribute in HTML5 mode, reenable HTML5. 4: Fix the transform (not that easy)
My personal preference is with 1, since this is causing trouble now and with 1 we solve immediate problems, we just add to the lack of valid HTML5 output that we already have. In my opinion 2 would be too disruptive and 3 would take too long.
Danny is of the opinion that we should never transform at the parser side and that we should fix the content instead (2 or 3).
So, how best to fix the issue/what should be our strategy with regard to content that is not HTML 5 valid in general ? <Discuss>