Diederik van Liere, 14/09/2012 19:18:
The Analytics Team is happy to announce the first version of gerrit-stats. Gerrit-stats keeps track of the backlog of codereview for Git individual repositories.
- Will you add metrics for individual committers?
Right now, the unit of analysis is a repository but it is definitely possible to keep track of codereview metrics for individuals. However, I would like to hear some use-cases first before embarking on this.
Is there a mediawiki.org page to propose/edit/discuss such use cases? It would also be useful to copy this very helpful post there.
- The chart looks to spikey, how can I have smoother lines?
- Go to http://gerrit-stats.wmflabs.org/graphs/name_of_chart/edit
- Click on 'Options'
- Click on 'Advanced' (right side of screen)
- Click on 'rollPeriod' (bottom of screen, yellow box)
- This allows to create a moving average, so you can replace the 1 with
7 meaning that each datapoint is the average of the past 7 days. This option applies to both metrics but it really smooths out the outliers.
Just to be clear: I assume the l10n-bot is still included?