I don't really see how that breaks any privacy, in fact it just tell you since when you are using the channel. I don't think it breaks the privacy more than similar date on wikipedia (when you create account there is a log for that)
If someone explain to me what is wrong on that, I will remove it. The reason why mw-bot wasn't logging JOIN and PART events was to protect users from leaking their hostname / IP which is part of that
On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 11:03 AM, K. Peachey p858snake@gmail.com wrote:
You might want to remove the "Active since" section, MWBot was set to not record channel joins and quiets in the logs for a user privacy point of view (from what I could find and read), this seems to be hitting on that area. (And yes, I know a user could run a anaylais of their own on the log lines to find something quasi similar)
On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 6:28 PM, Petr Bena benapetr@gmail.com wrote:
I just wanted to announce that based on request from one community member I created a new feature in wm-bot, which may appear to be unneeded on first sight, but when I was thinking of that, it's not really so stupid. It collects various informations about user activity in channel (in xml) and allow them to be rendered in some way. In this moment I only display number of messages for each user, for example:
http://bots.wmflabs.org/~wm-bot/db/%23wikimedia-labs.htm (scroll to bottom)
This is happening only in selected channels as experiment, but I believe that it could motivate people to be more active and therefore more helpful in these help channels. Also it would let us see how much bots are active compared to people. (For example in #mediawiki.htm you can see that most active users are bots)
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