On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 1:53 PM, Arthur Richards arichards@wikimedia.orgwrote:
Cool thanks Platonides! I was wondering about something like this yesterday. I appreciate the irony of that script living in SVN :p
I've started on a MediaWiki extension to assist in fetching extensions as well, stealing a couple bits from that script. :)
Since I haven't yet fully grokked setting up new exts in gerrit it's sitting on github at the moment: https://github.com/brion/MediaWiki-ExtensionFetcher
Currently it only has CLI interface, usable like so:
php extensions/ExtensionFetcher/maintenance/listExtensions.php
php extensions/ExtensionFetcher/maintenance/clone.php Math clones 'Math' into your extensions/Math folder, over anonymous https. Or to clone initially with your default ssh credentials:
php extensions/ExtensionFetcher/maintenance/clone.php --developer Math
If the extensions folder is writable by the web server user, this could be extended with a web interface for each search-and-click fetching... An --all option would probably not be hard to add either, for those that want such things!
-- brion