Hi, I was playing with properties as written at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Properties#Info:_Parameters I spent a lot of time, but I cannot get the properties watched and preload anyway. Preload is empty for an existing page and None for a non-existing page with preload; watched doeas not appear at all. I tried it in browser as well as with bot, logged in as admin. Could somebody please provide me a working link that shows watched and preload? Page example with preloadhttp://hu.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?action=edit&preload=Wikip%C3%A9dia%3AJavaslat+tiszts%C3%A9gvisel%C5%91k+megv%C3%A1laszt%C3%A1s%C3%A1ra%2Fpreload&editintro=&summary=&nosummary=&prefix=&minor=&title=Wikip%C3%A9dia%3AJavaslat+tiszts%C3%A9gvisel%C5%91k+megv%C3%A1laszt%C3%A1s%C3%A1ra%2Fddd&create=%C3%9Aj+v%C3%A1laszt%C3%A1si+allap+l%C3%A9trehoz%C3%A1sa
I am interested in new pages in namespace MediaWiki where a text is preloaded but without a preload subpage (I guess taken from translatewiki). Do they qualify as preload and may be got by API?