If I am writing to a wrong address, please let us know.
I used etherpad for a long time without any problem. Now, if I open an etherpad window (etherpad.wikimedia.org) I got this message after a few second: "Disconnected.
*Lost connection with the EtherPad synchronization server.* This may be due to a loss of network connectivity.
If this continues to happen, please let us knowhttp://etherpad.wikimedia.org/ep/support(opens in new window)."
If I reconnect, this happen again after a few second. My internet connection work properly.
If I click "let us know", I got an other error message:
"Oops! A server error occured. It's been logged.
Please email support@etherpad.com if this persists."
Does this problem come from my computer (which is a new one and I have never used etherpad on it)?
Should I write a message to support@etherpad.com or how could I use etherpad?
Thank you for your help.
Best regards,