On 03/08/2012 06:21 AM, Antoine Musso wrote:
Diederik van Liere wrote:
- Migrating from a centralized source control system to a
decentralized system (SVN -> Git)
Decentralization itself is just a buzz word for the twitter guys. In the end, it does not change that much since most people have a reference repository. I guess most developers will use the WMF repository as a reference, or at the very least, all patches will eventually end up in the WMF repository.
We could imagine having the WMF feature team to use their own repository then submit a nice giant patch once in a while.
Even though most people will have a reference repository, decentralizing work into a zillion branches will take some getting used to. People will need to take time and learn to change their workflows.
- Introducing a gated-trunk model
We have been using a gated-trunk model for as long as I can remember.
No -- there's a big difference. In our current model (SVN and no gate between a committer and trunk), it's probable that revision n+70 depends on stuff in revision n, which hasn't been reviewed yet, which means that if revision n is a FIXME, then we have ugly ripple effects everywhere.
This happens way too often, and once we're used to not having it happen anymore, we will be so happy.
For this reason, in the short term we aim to eliminate the ability to push directly and bypass review. Everything will go through Gerrit, even if in some cases (as with individual translations) an automatic approver bot will auto-approve mergers to specific branches.