Hi !
I thank you all everybody for your nice job, mediawiki is a great platform.
However, as you may know, we are some people to develop , contribute to some extensions, and every time I migrate my wiki setup to a new version, that looks like a nightmare !!! (mostly for the last 1.18.1).
I have either to upgrade extensions or dive into php code to make it running with the new mediawiki release.
But this time, with 1.18.1 I am worried, because I do not have an in deep knowledge of the mediawiki process.
So, the next time, a release is delivered, please provide with it a migration guide for extensions !!!!! This will permit every developer to maintain in a fast and efficient way, most extensions !! And since we are all very good developers, I am pretty sure some people will be able to provide a helpful migrating utility (when only function name changes apply) ....
Today, I am not able to participate or migrate the CKeditor to the 1.18.1 Release .
Regards . S.Ancelot