Would anyone be interested in a program that generates Skeletons for new extensions? I've noticed that when I make extensions I generally go through the exact same process (with minor variations) each time.
The idea in my head right now is for a program that does the following: * Asks for the Extension name and other Credit information * Asks whether or not the extension is going to need to change the database schema * Asks whether or not the extension is going to make use of ResourceLoader * Asks whether or not the extension is going to include a Special Page * Depending on the answers to the above it may do some of the remaining items on this list * Creates a folder hierarchy with the following folders: ExtensionName |- includes |- js |- images |- styles |- sql * Create skeleton files for ExtensionName.php, ExtensionName.i18n.php, ExtensionName.alias.php, and SpecialExtensionName.php * Create a skeleton file for sql\ExtensionName.sql * Creates table, adds ID column UNIQUE PRIMARY * Includes basic configuration for Schema Updates in ExtensionName.php * Includes basic configuration for Special Page in ExtensionName.php * Includes basic configuration for Resource Loader in ExtensionName.php
If anyone is interested in getting a copy when it is done, or can think of any other useful things it might be able to make use of, let me know. I feel like having something like this will help eliminate a lot of development time for simple extensions, especially those created by people new to extension development.
Thank you, Derric Atzrott Computer Specialist Alizee Pathology