On Sun, Feb 12, 2012 at 9:38 PM, Max Semenik maxsem.wiki@gmail.com wrote:
I think this is an agrument in favor of doing so in a branch, rather than the other way around.
A <del>rose</del><ins>folder</ins> by any other name would smell as sweet.
I think Aaron's argument that IDEs may go bonkers from two classes with the same name is pretty compelling, no? What's the problem with doing it in a branch?
Depends if John actually has plans to keep them the same, But since from my understanding is that John is planning close to a complete rewrite of the system, using different technologies and methods to archive his desired outcomes, It might not be such a issue…
I never said there was a issue with doing it in a Branch, But since we basically use them as folders it doesn't really matter where it is, and as I have pointed out, He is redoing the whole thing (apparently) and thus producing a new extension anyway, So there isn't really a issue with doing it under /extensions compared to /branches.
The main concern here seems to be the actual name of said folder, which will more than likely occur no matter where it ends up.