What user agent is your tool sending?
On Monday, December 10, 2012, Strainu wrote:
I tried falling back to non-api, but I seem to be unable to login (probably a framework problem of some kind). Hopefully someone from ops will shed light on this on Monday.
Thanks, Strainu
2012/12/8 Maarten Dammers <maarten@mdammers.nl javascript:;>:
Hi strainu,
Op 8-12-2012 11:21, Strainu schreef:
I'm running a robot that makes relatively small changes in ~250KB pages. Starting from November, the change is made, but I recieve a 504 error. This does not happen when making the change manually and it did not happen earlier in the year (say, September). The code is a custom, pywikipediabot-based robot on ro.wp. One example of such change is
Has something changed recently in the server configuration that would cause such errors to occur? Is there somethnig I can do to avoid them, except splitting the pages?
Pages are rather large and should probably be split up in more manageable pieces. I wrote some documentation about that at
But that doesn't solve the problem. What is the timeout of the normal interface (a user editing) and what is the timeout for the api? Could someone (maybe ops) answer this question? I assume there is a difference between that. You could confirm this by falling back to a non-api write after you received a timeout .
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