I'm seconding that recommendation to be clear. More specifically, I'd suggest that the AFT classes have two new protected methods: * getSlaveDB() - wrapper for wfGetLBFactory()->getExternalLB( $wgArticleFeedBackCluster )->getConnection( DB_SLAVE, array(), $wikiId ) * getMasterDB() - wrapper for wfGetLBFactory()->getExternalLB( $wgArticleFeedBackCluster )->getConnection( DB_MASTER, array(), $wikiId ) The wrappers could also handle the case where the cluster is the usual wiki cluster as well (e.g. good old wfGetDB()).
You could then swap out the current wfGetDB() calls with these methods. It might be easiest to start with the current AFT, do this, and fix up the excessive queries write queries rather that try to convert the AFT5 code that used sharding. The name of the cluster would be an AFT configuration variable (e.g. $wgArticleFeedBackCluster = 'external-aft' ).
This works by adding the new 'external-aft' cluster to the 'externalLoads' portion of the load balancer configuration. It may make sense to give the cluster a non-AFT specific name though (like 'external-1'), since I assume other extensions would use it. Maybe the clusters could be named after philosophers to be more interesting...
One could instead use wfGetDB( index, array(), 'extension-aft' ), though this would be a bit hack since: a) A wiki ID would be used as an external cluster name where there is no wiki b) The actual wiki IDs would have to go into table names or a column
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