bugzilla.wikimedia.org is operational again and is now running the latest stable version (4.2.4, before was 4.0.9).
Big thanks to Daniel Zahn from the ops team for upgrading! All fame belongs to him!
I've done some quick testing, and to my surprise stuff like "Weekly bug summary" did not break. However, if you see new issues and problems please file a ticket: http://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Wikimedia&component=...
The only (potential) regression is that we did not apply previous changes to Bugmail.pm, described as "Wikimedia Hack! Pretend global watchers are CCs so we can use their prefs to for instance ignore CC-only mails."
New features and improvements of this Bugzilla version: http://www.bugzilla.org/releases/4.2.4/release-notes.html#v42_feat
Happy bug reporting!