Hi everyone, It's soft pencils down for the GSoC and I wanted to update everyone with the progress of my project.
For a reminder, my project[1] aimed at allowing uploads of images from Flickr directly from the Upload Wizard and to allow setting the geolocation through a map interface.
My work on the Flickr Integration is almost over, and I am just awaiting the final review. Once this is over, Ryan Kaldari( my mentor ) and I have been discussing the idea of putting it live on the commons for the admins, as it would help us get feedback and also allow testing of the project. You can see the work on the flickr branch on Gerrit[2].
The basic functionality of Geolocation integration has also been completed. Although still some minor changes are left, and I am sure I will get more changes to work on after it gets reviewed. Since this was a relatively small functionality of just adding a map interface for the already existing geolocation support, I would want to further add support for Altitude and direction tags for media. Hopefully by the end of this month, this would also be ready to be merged. The work on this can be tracked on the geo branch on Gerrit[3].
You can also read all the updates of the project on my blog [4].
[1] - http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Drecodeam/GSoC_2012_Application [2] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/q/status:open+project:mediawiki/extensions/... [3] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/q/status:open+project:mediawiki/extensions/...
[4] - http://ankuranand.in/gsoc/wordpress/
Thanks, drecodeam