On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 11:15 AM, Petr Bena benapetr@gmail.com wrote:
Ok, I managed to fix it, anyway there are still some issues:
The autosave works after 2 minutes of inactivity. It should work anyway, in case your pc crash there is no way to recover your work, since it's browser which waits 2 minutes for inactivity and not a server and browser crashes together with rest of OS.
That sounds like something fixable. Personally, I think the best behavior is to save the draft a couple of seconds after the user stops typing.
There should be a way to customize whole interface using MediaWiki: pages, the table with drafts could look better or the style should be customizable using interface of mediawiki.
If this is done properly with classes and ids, this should all be customizable by via site CSS/JS. But a sane default UI is important, yes :)