În data de 1 aprilie 2012, 12:39, Harry Burt jarry1250@gmail.com a scris:
Hey all,
Hi Harry,
Now I have more of the details sorted out, I'd like to invite feedback on my Google Summer of Code proposed project, entitled *TranslateSvg: Bringing the translation revolution to Wikimedia Commons *.[1]. Obviously the deadline for submissions is rapidly closing in, but comments would still be very welcome, either before or after that deadline.
This would be great if implemented. However, I do have a small observation on your project. You seem to want to target your extension for deployment on Wikimedia Commons. I think a better approach is to use it on Translatewiki, as the community there has much more experience with l10n.
An ideal situation (but hardly appropriate for a summer project) is to have some kind of suggestion box on Commons that would appear on Translatewiki when that particular SVG is translated.
Regards, Strainu