Ryan Lane wrote:
On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 6:34 PM, Tei oscar.vives@gmail.com wrote:
Perhaps have a black list of countries that are know to break the privacy of communications, then make https default for logued users in these countries.
This may help because:
- It only affect a subgroup of users (the ones from these countries) - It only affect a subgroup of that subgroup, the logued users (not all) - It create a blacklist of "bad countries" where citizens are under surveillance by the governement
This perhaps is not feasible, if theres not easy way to detect the country based on the ip.
I'd definitely not support doing something like this. This would incredibly complicate things.
Someone came into #wikimedia-tech a few days ago and asked about something similar to this. The idea was to use site-wide JavaScript to auto-redirect users to https on one of the Chinese Wikipedias. I believe this was in combination with geolocation functionality, but I'm not sure.
Do you have any thoughts on individual wikis doing this, assuming there's local community consensus?