On some of the Wikipedia sites, there are some messages near the top of each page. These messages change every 10 or so seconds. The problem is the number of lines in each of the changing messages is not the same.
This causes the entire page to jerk up and down the screen every 10 or so seconds. One might be reading many screenfulls below, but still the page jerks up and down. I've never seen anything like that in the history of WWW.
You might want to have a look at it, or forward my message to those who are to blame.
Here's some stuff from 'view source' from nearby where the cause is.
document.writeln('<table width="100%" id="mw-dismissable-notice"><tr><td width="80%">'+siteNoticeValue+'</td>'); document.writeln('<td width="20%" align="right">[<a href="javascript:dismissNotice();">'+msgClose+'</a>]</td></tr></table>'); } /* ]]> */ </script><table style="display: none;" id="mw-dismissable-notice" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td width="80%"><div id="localNotice"></div></td> <td width="20%" align="right">[<a href="javascript:dismissNotice();">關閉</a>]</td></tr></tbody></table> <table id="asn-dismissable-notice" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent;" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td><div style="display: block;" id="advancedSiteNotices">請參與<b><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:%E6%8A%95%E7%A5%A8/%E5%90%84%E4%B8%BB%E9%A1%8C%E4%BD%9C%E5%93%81%E6%A0%BC%E5%BC%8F%E7%9A%84%E6%A8%99%E6%BA%96" title="Wikipedia:投票/各主題作品格式的標準">各主題作品格式的標準</a></b>的表決。</div></td><td>[<a href="#">關閉</a>]</td></tr></tbody></table></div>
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