On 28/11/11 14:57, Roan Kattouw wrote:
On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 3:50 PM, MZMcBridez@mzmcbride.com wrote:
I asked roughly the same thing yesterday (more along the lines of "shouldn't it take someone ten minutes to add memcache support to the extension?"). Reedy said it was long-running queries that never timed out that apparently caused the issue.
I read the code and sent some unsolicited advice to the fundraising team. Essentially, the recaching operation could be doing ~35 times fewer queries, that should help.
And adding memcached caching with even, say, as little as a 1 minute cache entry timeout, should dilute that reduced load even more, and put an upperbound on the load generated, just in case it gets slashdot/reddited again.
-- Neil