* Max Semenik wrote:
So my proposal is to handle commit access requests in the way most other FLOSS projects do it: on the dev mailing list. Public discussions will give far more eyes for analysis of every application and allow decision-makers to make final decisions by glancing through public discussions instead of analysing everything themselves. And transparency will make all accusations of cabalism or carelessness impossible. What do you think about this idea, people?
Any system that does not make it easy for "decision makers" to identify pending requests will likely suffer from decision makers missing pending requests, and in my experience even having a dedicated mailing list that only handles access requests so you could identify pending ones, say, by looking for threads that have not been replied to by a decision maker, is not good enough, as that kind of filtering is not well supported by typical mail software. There are many ways to support "show me pending requests" functionality, but "glancing" is not one of them, FWIW.