Rob Lanphier wrote:
Bryan Tong Minh has been doing some great work on VipsScaler extension, but there hasn't been a lot of recent chatter on the mailing list about it. Since we're somewhat close to deploying something on the cluster, it probably warrants at least an email.
The name kinda sucks. Does VIPS stand for something? I only mention this as it's possible more people would be talking about it if they understood what it was. A name like ImageScaler or something is much clearer.
In any case, it sounds very neat. :-) And the VIPS dev team is using MediaWiki, which is cool.
For example, we currently disallow PNG images greater than 12.5 MP.
Are you sure about this? I recall a configurable 12.5 MP limit on rendering of JPGs, but does that also apply to PNGs? And "disallow" is a bit ambiguous here. They just won't render / have thumbnails created, they aren't blocked from being uploaded, no?
Step 1: Deploy VipsScaler extension, but only use it for PNGs over 12.5MP and/or TIFFs (which currently generate errors). Let this sit in production a while, fixing any bugs we find with this configuration.
No deployment to a labs or test site first?