Plese excuse me,
I'm trying to implement a "transparent tag hook" which can include other nested transparent hooks. For regular setHook hooks, there is recursiveTagParse() ... but for setTransparentTagHook there does not seem to be an obvious equivalent. The functionality itself seems to be largely undocumented. It was recently suggested to me.
recursiveTagParse does not look like a ton of code in and of itself...
function recursiveTagParse( $text, $frame=false ) { wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ ); wfRunHooks( 'ParserBeforeStrip', array( &$this, &$text, &$this->mStripState ) ); wfRunHooks( 'ParserAfterStrip', array( &$this, &$text, &$this->mStripState ) ); $text = $this->internalParse( $text, false, $frame ); wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); return $text; }
If necessary could something like this be improvised for the transparent hook stage?