Thanks for the input everyone!
Roan said:
Have you seen ?
No, I didn't see that, thanks!
If you like doing hikes, you can do what I did last Saturday and walk the Land's End Trail.
That sounds like a really good idea. I could use a bit of walking and fresh air after all the conferencing. I hope the weather isn't too wet :)
Another fun thing to do is get lost in Golden Gate Park, which is a huge (roughly 7x1 km) park in the middle of the city.
Yea, I have fond memories of Golden Gate Park, from when I was in SF in, oh my... 1994?...
Andrew said:
I'm in town until next Thursday, so we can hang out if you like. Sunday is my 20th birthday, and, if you feel up to it, you'd be welcome to join the celebrations.
That would be Sunday the 30th, right? Damn, I'll just be flying in on that day, I probably can't handle a party after a transatlantic flight... also, I have to get to Santa Clara, not SF - I'll be stuck there until Friday, I'm attending the Strata conference. I'd love to hang out, but I doubt that I'll have an opportunity to come to SF before the weekend. If you want to come down to SC, by all means, do :)
Neil said:
FYI, Feb 6th is "Super Bowl Sunday". A sporting event whose celebration tends to eclipse the actual sports part.
Depending on your inclination you could either embrace the "AMERICA FUCK YEAH" aspect of the day, or avoid it entirely.
uhuh... I'm not one for national chest bumping, nor am I much into sports. Though sporting events *can* be fun with the right crowd :) We'll see.
Thanks for the warning though, I guess I'll stay away from bars that night...
Anyway, see you soon! -- daniel
PS: if anyone as more infos/ideas - keep them coming!