Just to give an example: i wrote a different algorithm for [[en:s:template;Loop]], naming it [[en:s:template;Loop!]] and I asked for 100 and 101 dots with them into an empty sandbox preview.
These are results:
Sandbox, empty, preview: Preprocessor node count: 35/1000000 Post-expand include size: 1858/2048000 bytes Template argument size: 450/2048000 bytes Expensive parser function count: 0/500
Sandbox, 2 calls to loop to print 100 and 101 dots, preview Preprocessor node count: 1045/1000000 Post-expand include size: 2260/2048000 bytes Template argument size: 1551/2048000 bytes Expensive parser function count: 0/500
Sandbox, 2 calls to loop! to print the same dots, preview Preprocessor node count: 193/1000000 Post-expand include size: 2300/2048000 bytes Template argument size: 680/2048000 bytes Expensive parser function count: 0/500
Is there really no useful feedback from these data? Really there's no correlation with "server load"?