Our site has 4 skins that display the logo - 3 standard and 1 site- specific. The site-specific skin uses rounded edges for the individual page area frames, while the standard skins use square edges. This means a logo with square edges looks fine for the standard skins, but not for the site-specific skin. A logo with rounded edges has the opposite characteristic.
The programmer who designed the site-specific skin solved this problem with a hack. The absolute url to a different logo with rounded edges is hardwired into the skin code. Therefore, if we want to reorganize where we keep the site logos (which we have done once already), we have to modify the site-specific skin code.
While it is possible that no one else has this problem, I would imagine there are skins out there that would look better if they were able to use a skin specific logo (e.g., using a different color scheme or a different font).
My question is: has this issue been addressed before? If so, and there is a good solution, I would appreciate hearing of it.