----- Original Message -----
From: "George Herbert" george.herbert@gmail.com
I just checked and determined that there appear to be no AAAA records yet for the WMF servers.
I have to admit to having been negligent in examining the IPv6 readiness of the Mediawiki software. Is it generally working and ready to go on IPv6?
Is Apache? That's the base question, is it not? I think the answer is yes.
The importance of this is going to be high in the Asia-Pacific region within a few months: http://www.potaroo.net/tools/ipv4/rir.jpg
(APNIC runs out of IPv4 space to give to providers somewhere around August, statistically; RIPE in Feb or March 2012, ARIN in July 2012).
ARIN issued the last 5 available /8s to RIRs *today*; we've been talking about it all day on NANOG.
In each region, ISPs then will start running out of IPv4 to hand out within a month to three months of the registry exhaustion.
We have a few months, but by the end of 2012, any major site needs to be serving IPv6.
Out of curiosity, is anyone from the Foundation on the NANOG mailing lists?
Oh yeah; that's what triggered this. :-)
Cheers, -- jra